Engineered from the ground up to deliver the most advanced security features in the industry with reliability and ease of use, The R1 is a high end security router.
The R1 creates a secure network bubble around you and your phone, tablet and laptop. Easy privacy & security on the go or in office for all of your devices.
So easy.
Join R1_SECURE. Choose a network the R1 should join. You are now shielded.
So convenient.
The R1 is almost the same size as an iphone, designed to be simple yet effective. Your portable security guard, it protects you no matter what devices & internet sources you use.
So intelligent.
The first next generation security & privacy portable wifi router, centralized around you. It uses a plethora of new technolgoies to provide a reliable high speed secure connection, all day.
So secure.
The R1 was sent to multiple pen testing labs around the world. We took it to hackathons & competitions to learn how creative hackers attack the R1.
So proactive.
The R1 studies hackers before they even attack you. It uses threat intelligence and collaborative intrusion detection to protect you from new attacks.
So vast.
The brainchild of many skilled security & privacy minds around North America. Below is nearly everything you, and your team, will want to know about the simple yet complex R1.
A simple executive summary for Business Management, Financial, and Technological decision makers.
The R1 project was started early on 2015 when the head engineers were ethically hacking multiple remote connections in a hackathon at Yale University. This revealed many weaknesses in mobile devices and wireless internet sources. Academic collaborators were introduced early on to find novel solutions. The project immediately caught the attention of a few business directors, celebrities, politicians, lawyers, brokers, consultants, and other high profile travelers. And so it was designed with this user persona in mind from the very beginning.
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